A teeth whitening dentist near me - that’s Northbridge Dentists!

Tooth whitening uses bleaching chemicals (either a carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide) to “whiten” the teeth. Legally only dentists can prescribe the higher concentrations of peroxide. These chemicals microscopically penetrate the enamel to whiten even deep staining and discolouration.

Types of professional whitening?

1) In-chair professional whitening: Bleach is applied to each tooth by your dentist. The whitening at Northbridge Dentists does not require an annoying light to set the whitening gel! The lips and gums must first be isolated. The gel is applied in 15minute cycles up to 4x.

Isolation procedure involved to protect the gums during the in-chair whitening process

2) Bleaching/at-home trays: This involves applying a small amount of gel into some specially constructed trays. These are worn as instructed, usually for one hour per day for between 2-4 weeks.


Toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral strips can be sufficient for some people to achieve their desired shade. For other people that get a minimal response to whitening, crowns, veneers or fillings may be required instead.



How long does whitening last?

Most people will notice their teeth are still whiter a year later. Over time there will be some relapse. However those who smoke, drink excess tea/coffee or have poor oral hygiene can expect is to fade more quickly.


How well does whitening work?

While all patients will notice whiter teeth, some patients expect whiter results. Bright “TV-ready white” teeth are usually the result of artificial crowns and veneers. Please discuss your expectations with your dentist before starting.


What about bicarb soda?

This is now being used as an active ingredient in some toothpastes. The main method of action is from the abrasive particles that can remove some of the surface stains to give a whiter appearance. Over-use can wear away the enamel.  However it is still unable to penetrate deeper into the enamel like whitening products.