Citrus fruits - are they disolving your teeth?

It’s probably common knowledge that lemons are acidic. The actual acidic ingredient is called citric acid. It is found in all sorts of fruit from Lemons, Limes and Oranges through to Mandarins and Grapefruits.

Did you know 😱that citric acid can have a pH level of 3! This is even more acidic than drinks like Red Bull and Pepsi. Citric acid weakens the enamel through a process called chemical erosion, which actually strips micro-layers off the tooth. This never grows back. This can eventually make the tooth weaker and more prone to chipping and further wear. It can also lead teeth to be more sensitive. And when we lose our enamel, our teeth become more YELLOW. This is because the underlying layer of the tooth, called dentine, can start to show through.

Whilst we encourage citrus as part of a balanced diet, it does leave the teeth in a softened state, so wait 30 minutes after any citrus, before tooth brushing. Even rinsing with water afterwards is helpful.