Invisalign vs braces. Which is better?

This is becoming an increasingly common question. Should I get Invisalign or braces? What’s the difference?

Braces are a series of bonded metal bracket with wires that are attached to the brackets with little o-rings.

Invisalign is a series of clear aligners (hard, clear, plastic trays). You wear each aligner for two weeks at a time. Each aligner progressively pushes and moves your teeth into the correct position, with the help of a number of attachments (little tooth coloured bumps) bonded to your teeth.

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 There used to be a time where Invisalign didn’t have these little attachments and so could not move the teeth as well as braces. But that has all changed.


So which is better?


Movements: Today, Invisalign is able to help more people than ever before. It can close spaces, rotate teeth, unravel crowding, upright some tilted teeth, correct anterior cross bites, and even correct mild bite discrepancies. That being said, braces can do all of these things and more. Braces can help correct more severe bite discrepancies and crossbites, de-rotate severely rotated teeth and even drag severely displaced teeth back into line.

While braces wins this one, it’s worth mentioning that these severe conditions will only be found in around 10-20% of cases.


Compliance: Invisalign aligners can be removed as needed. This may seem convenient, but for less motivated individuals, if they are not being worn, then teeth aren’t moving! Braces, on the other hand, CANNOT be removed. Whilst this may be less convenient, for some people (especially teenagers!) this means compliance is not as much of an issue.

Whilst braces aids with compliance, as long as someone is motivated, Invisalign would work well.


Comfort: Whilst both braces and Invisalign can be uncomfortable (especially at the beginning when teeth start moving), the clear trays of Invisalign are much more comfortable. Braces unfortunately still have bulky brackets, and whilst the mouth gets used to them, occasionally wires can stick out and cause discomfort.

Invisalign wins this one.


Aesthetics: Far and away, Invisalign aligners are much more discreet than braces. The clear trays and tooth coloured buttons will escape all but the closest of inspection. The traditional metal braces are much more obvious. However today, ceramic (tooth coloured) brackets for braces are becoming more popular and are much more discreet. Ceramic brackets unfortunately are a little more brittle and prone to chipping, and metal wires are still required.

Invisalign is the winner here too.


Cost: Overall, the cost is very similar. Instead the cost will depend on the complexity of treatment, and therefore time taken.


The decision between braces and Invisalign is largely dependent on the way your teeth are positioned and what needs to be fixed. You should discuss the pros and cons each method before with your friendly Northbridge Dentists team member, who can help you make the final decision.  Not sure if Invisalign is right for you? To take advantage of a short, free (yes free) Invisalign consultation, you can book online, or over the phone here.